How to transfer a cake without damaging it
In this free cake tutorial, we teach you how to transfer a cake without damaging it. We have all been there…you have a perfectly iced cake and a perfectly iced board, and then somehow you have to get your cake onto your board without damaging either of them!
This tutorial from Sugar Street Studio’s shows you just how to transfer your cake without damaging it or your beautifully covered board. Make sure you have a watch of the tutorial and read our top tips below.
materials used:
Crank palette knife
Pre covered cake board
Pre covered cake
top tips for transferring your cake:
Cover the cake board a day or two before you want to move your cake onto it, so it has time to dry. This could even be done as far ahead as a couple of weeks. If you are covering it this early then make sure to keep it dust free by storing it in a cake box. You don’t want it to be airtight though, otherwise the icing won’t dry out.
It is also a good idea to cover your cake the day before you want to move it, so the icing can dry out slightly. It is sometimes worth writing out a timeline to plan the work for your cake so you can ensure you have enough time and everything is done in the right order.
By using a palette knife with a crank handle, it allows you to get that all important release of the cake before you try to move it. Make sure you use your hand to support the cake and the palette knife as well to ensure a smooth manoeuvre and no damage is done.
We hope you loved that mini quick tip on transferring your cake without damaging it. It can be a nerve racking task but trust us, with a little practice and gusto you’ll be absolutely fine. Just try that palette knife and your steady hand!